Friday, April 27, 2018

Alina's Corner- Belle's Fate

 I just started Alina's Corner just a little while ago. The first Alina's Corner post can be found HERE
Since then I've been making sure to record anything funny or cute that she's said. One of my favourite things about Alina is that she is a colourful kid. She is extremely compassionate towards children, or animals or her family and friends. She has a lot of love to give and she's not afraid to give it. She's silly, so she does or says ridiculous things that make Rob and I laugh out loud at the best and unexpected times. She's also a little sick... As in, she's a bit morbid. I'm not sure how normal this behaviour is. She likes being scared and takes an interest in death and has a lot of questions about it. But I feel like most people are a bit odd deep down.. Or maybe I just am...? She has a very articulate way of describing how she feels and I find that refreshing and intriguing. She makes me want to jot down a lot of her explanations for things. She's insightful at five and I admire that. Oh man! I'm sorry- I try to make a rule not to go on and on about my own kid because I find it to be obnoxious! I'll let her quotes speak for herself instead of me..!
- Gloating, Obnoxiously Proud Mother

Alina talking to her baby brother (usually through gritted teeth because she can't stand how cute he is!)
"I love you buddy. Even when you scratch me and pull my hair. Even when you kick me in the throat. I love you when I pour water on you in the bath and you pee like a fountain."

Well I'm glad she doesn't mind taking the abuse... for now. I'll have to teach her that that shit isn't acceptable in a relationship......... 

I asked Alina on her birthday in March how she felt about turning five:

 "Well I kind of felt like five once because when I went on my tippy toes for a second. Then when I went on my 'down' toes I felt four again." 

Ah yes, I hate being on my down toes- it always makes me feel like my actual age. I would much prefer to live life on my tippies.

Alina had her little friend Tom over to hang out this week. I could hear them discussing things in the basement. My ears perked when I heard them talking about Rob. Tom started by asking her if the scary masks he politely asked me to put away were Rob's. She said yes, that he just purchased them at a garage sale over the weekend. 
T: Rob is so weird. 
A: Yes, Rob is weird. He always throws pillows at me. He's always trying to scare people. He drags me all over the house and he throws Rudi up in the air twenty-thirty-seventy times.
T: Laughs and agrees. 

 Well I don't blame them for calling Rob weird. He IS. And he's crazy fun and I think that's why they both got giggly when he stopped by from work to grab some lunch. Tom told him that Alina said he farts a lot and Rob replied with a departing fart before returning to work.... I also love that she referred to her own dad as 'Rob'.

Another discussion between Alina and Tom happened shortly after Rob's departing fart. They were drawing pictures and Tom insisted that I draw him a heart so he could colour it. 

T: I'm not good at drawing hearts. 
A: YES you are. 
T: NO I'm NOT! (He got a little upset that she insisted he was good.)
Me: Okay Alina. If Tom doesn't think he's good at drawing hearts just leave it at that. (Me not wanting to upset the little guy.)
A: I think you're better than you think you are. (She says quietly to him.)

Um... yes! Why didn't I- THE adult think to say that?! That was a moment I was proud of.

 Alina is surrounded by lovely woman at her daycare. They not only are good at their jobs, as people that care for children but they genuinely love Alina. There's nothing better than being a full time working mom and being able to confidently and happily drop your prized possession off with people that are good for her and love her. SO! It was Valentine's Day and one of the lovelies that take care of her gave us a Valentine's gift. She's always giving such thoughtful gifts and this one had a great message. It was a book that was all about a young girl asking animals what they love about themselves. For example one says they love their legs because they get a kick out of her! Or a giraffe loves his long neck because they can reach the stars together, etc. So I asked Alina what she loves about herself. She replied she loved her brother and I said that was nice but she needed to say what she loved about herself. I didn't give her any examples because I wanted her to come up with something and I was curious to hear what she would say... 

A: I love my ... chest ... because my heart is in it. I love my heart... because my heart loves my brother and my family. 

Wow... deep. I mean, really! I was going to say- your eyes, or your smile or your pretty hair. Talk about an awesome answer. She answered slowly so when she said her chest I thought she was going to end it with - I love my chest because I'm going to have boobies one day. Of course I go there and I wonder why she can be odd.

So I decided to introduce the silly and sweet things Alina said over the last few months first. I wanted to butter up the readers before I exposed them to another side of Alina. One that maybe some parents don't want to share with the world wide web. But me, I think it's especially hilarious- so brace yourselves...

   Alina was in the bath for some time before I came in to wash her hair. She had that cup sitting on the edge of the tub, so I moved it and realized that Belle was inside floating. I gently moved it to the counter and asked Alina what was going on with Belle.

 A: Oh, the mermaids drowned her.

 Those effing mermaids. You can't trust em! Especially in Alina's little, twisted mind. I just love how it wasn't good enough to put a cover over the cup, she also put a weight on top of the cover just in case Belle got clever and found a way to push the cover off........... Proud moment? Hmmm.

  Well, that's my girl! She is full of all kinds of interesting anecdotes or recollections and opinions. It's fun to share her little quirks because I hope to publish this blog one day into books that I can keep forever. I'm sure Alina will appreciate these when she's older....


Friday, April 20, 2018

The gOLDen Years

 I am going to be 33 in July. It's not a big deal. I'm not freaking out about it or anything. I'm still in my early 30's. I'm the youngest of three and the other two are nearing their 40's. I feel alright. But it doesn't take away from the fact that sometimes I just feel... old. Outdated. Irrelevant. Uncool. Old.
 I know, a lot of people are older than me and I know that saying I feel old at 32 is grounds for a collective eye roll. But- it doesn't change the fact that I feel it sometimes.
 It starts slow. I make a mental note of something and then later on I make another mental note until all of a sudden I have serious proof that I am in fact getting old!

Original Photo Via

 1. I can't sit with my legs crossed for very long or I can't sit on a hard floor without getting up and making a bunch of grunting, groaning sounds. I used to be able to sit 'criss cross apple sauce' (that's what Alina calls it) for hours and just jump up after like no big deal. I was so limber and flexible.. Now, not so much the case......

2. I find myself complaining about the artists on Saturday Night Live. The other night I was all critical saying that the band playing better get their act together because they sucked. Rob looked at me in disgust and said it was "Arcade On Fire." Which most people know is a pretty successful, well known band. (Insert smack to old lady forehead here.) Or I will be watching the Grammy's and exclaim that bands now a days aren't talented. They just dress up all ridiculous, with their boobs and asses out and sing along to some pre-recorded nonsense.

** Side Note: I left my mistake in because it just proves how 'not cool' I am. The band isn't Arcade ON Fire. It's Arcade Fire. (Insert another smack to old lady forehead here....) **

3.  I have mentioned in numerous blogs that I live in a retirement community. (Which makes this post all the more hilarious.) I am surrounded by many, many senior citizens. The town I live in could be compared to Pleasantville it is so pleasant and beautiful and not full of any sort of vandalism or
thug-ery. (I made that word up because I'm an old lady and we do what we want.. ) So when I go to our neighbouring town it's like I'm going to NYC for the first time at night, alone. I went to get Rob his coffee from this grocery store around 8:00 pm. I got into my car and locked the doors immediately because I am a paranoid ninny. (Or Nanny- since I'm a grandma now. Get it!?) Rob was trying to Facetime me but we were getting disconnected. I was leaving the store and walking to the car. My 'street smarts' kicked in and I was looking all around me in case I was 'jumped'. I actually thought to myself, I have a brand new cell phone, the criminals around here would definitely attack me for it. So I made sure to stay alert, lock the door once I got into the car and then focus my attention on my phone. Ridiculous!

4.  I think I'm over this now, but it took some time for me to be.. The movie "13 Going On 30" is a good example of my mind set. The 13 year old girl inside her 30 year old body acts 13, is attracted to boys instead of men because she is still 13 in her mind. Now I'm not attracted to teenagers. But I remember it took me awhile to not care what teenagers thought of me. I would pass a group of teens and wonder if I was considered 'cool' still. Or if I was thought of as older, but possibly a good looking older chick? How ridiculous- I know! But it's that young mentality that is difficult to shake. I remember feeling that way constantly when I was in my teens or early twenties. Now, I don't feel that way so much. But like I said, it took me awhile to shake that paranoid feeling or curiosity.

5.  The first time I saw pictures of kids I used to babysit on Facebook with their own Facebook Accounts. This one certainly made me feel incredibly old. Our neighbours in Hinton had three kids. I used to babysit the older two. The girl was a baby when I watched her. I remember the one thing that made her so happy was swinging in her swing. So when I saw her graduation/prom photos on Facebook I couldn't believe my eyes! Graduated? I remember traits about her when she was a baby!!! Old. Old. Old.

6.  Technology is getting away from me. I am okay with social media. I have my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts that are fairly active. I feel like I get those okay. But it's music. If it wasn't for Rob subscribing to Spotify I would have no way of finding and listening to music on any sort of media. I have no idea how to have music now. We used to burn cd's or buy cd's. Obviously I don't do that anymore. ( I wouldn't even know how to burn a cd today.) This world is progressing so quickly I'm really beginning to feel outdated and left behind...

7.  I have this strange desire to tease or embarrass Alina. It's such a parent thing! She gets all giddy and silly about a boy at daycare. She kind of likes him. So she told me casually that she held his hand on their walk. I could have been mature and left it at that. But no, I was all like.. "Here that Daddy? Alina held Ethan's hand on her walk today.. Ooooooooh." Which makes her blush and jokingly scold me. So there it is. I can't help be uncool because I'm a parent. Being someone's parent automatically makes you OLD and immediately 'less cool'...

8.  I remember when a pack of cigarettes cost $5.00. Enough said.

**Side note: The fact that I uttered/typed those words makes me old. "I remember when ____ cost..."**

9.  We have younger friends and older friends. We are acquaintances and friends with a young lady that is 19. We're also friends with people that could be our parents. Now that we're older it doesn't matter how old people are. In high school hanging out with people two or three years older was a huge deal. I remember my brother was in grade 12 when I entered high school. Just being related to him instantly gave me credit. I knew and had connections with someone older and cool. Was I allowed to hang out with him and his friends? Not really. But now, it wouldn't even matter if I did or didn't. What makes me feel old is when I find out a friend is a lot younger than me. It happened the other night. I was like, "I know you're young. But what year were you born?" 1992..! I was in school already crushing on my first crush.

10.  Wrinkles! I don't mind wrinkles one bit. I think they give a person personality. I remember referring to my dad Rudi's wrinkles as his 'smile lines' or 'laugh lines'. I have noticed in the last little while that I have them! I have 'smile lines' but I totally accept them. Still makes me feel old though...

 There it is folks! I feel an immense amount of pressure has been lifted off of my shoulders. (Which is a good thing because my shoulders can't handle that much weight.. I am 32 after all!)  I feel like having dug up all of the reasons (and I'm sure there are plenty more) that I feel old has given me some unspoken permission to go on and on about feeling old whenever I like, or something like that...

Does anyone else out there agree with me? Do you feel old and what makes YOU feel like an old Grannie OR Gr-pa!?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Support For Make A Wish

 My sister in law Erin is an adventurous type. She's always challenging herself in all sorts of creative ways. Lucky for me, she asked if I wanted to join her in the 5K Foam Fest coming in June. Basically you run 5K with foam, mud and fun and exciting obstacles. I was in for sure! I have never participated and thought it would be great for me to get out and do something both exciting and challenging. I contacted some friends and another of mine is joining us as well!

 We came up with a clever name, LunaChicks and we were all registered and set to have some fun come June. I received an email back in February informing me that Make A Wish Foundation was the official event charity partner with the Foam Fest this year. I instantly contacted my team members and they agreed that we should register our team to be able to receive donations from supportive friends and family.

 Make A Wish Foundation Canada's mission is to restore a child's innocence, sense of fun and adventure if only for a day. With medical procedures and permanent hospital stays, the lives of sick children become intensely chaotic, scary and repetitive. Make A Wish can make dreams come true and in donating money to their cause can assist in creating life changing opportunities.

 The goal we set for our team is $300. We figure that is an attainable number for the three of us to raise. I have personally never done anything charitable and I'm excited to be part of something like this. I don't like asking for money but I think this is for a good cause. The beautiful thing about social media is that I don't have to put people on the spot by asking one on one for money. If you wish to donate please do and if not, that's okay too!

 We appreciate any donations and are excited to do our adventurous, foamy and muddy run come June!

 Please visit our LunaChicks Fundraising Page HERE to support the cause!


Thursday, April 12, 2018


Humboldt Broncos
 A great tragedy occurred last Friday around dinner time just 30 km north of Tisdale, Saskatchewan. There were 29 people riding on a charter bus to Nipawin where the Humboldt Broncos hockey team were to play Game 5 of their semifinal series with the Nipawin Hawks. A semi truck crashed into the front part of the bus killing 16 and injuring 13. Among the 16 killed were the coach, the assistant coach, the team's athletic therapist, 2 employees from Humboldt's FM radio station and the bus driver. The other 10 were from the Homboldt Bronco's hockey team. Their ages ranged from 16 to 29. (A full article about the victims and a little information about each of them can be found HERE.)
 The country seems exceptionally shaken up over this accident. We certainly were. We hear of shootings, terrorist attacks and natural disasters all over the world claiming multiple lives and it is all truly awful. But for some reason the Humboldt Bronco tragedy is staying with us. I think it's because it was a hockey team involved and we have experienced hockey in some way or another.
 My boyfriend and my friend's brother were on the same hockey team for a couple of years. I remember riding the bus to tournaments alongside her and being part of the excitement of a hockey team. A lot of my girlfriends growing up played hockey as well. Humboldt is a town of nearly 6000 which is smaller than my hometown. So I know that small town mentality. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone goes to those hockey games because that is what is going on on a Friday or Saturday night. Hockey guys are a different breed entirely. In my experience, they're cocky but lots of fun. They're sure of themselves but they all share a deep bond with one another. I also have a little nephew that lives and breathes hockey. It hits home..
 Rob, my husband was a goalie in Thunder Bay, Ontario growing up. He was on a AAA team and rode the bus to and from tournaments. He grew up with a lot of guys that went on to the NHL that played on teams like the Broncos before making it big. These players lived with billets in different towns all over the country for their chance at the show. He is also in our local fire department. It hit him on two levels.
 Each night since the accident we found ourselves discussing the Broncos. We shared stories we heard on social media of the young men, we've talked in length about the Nipawin Fire Department that answered that life changing call. We were supportive of each other in putting up green lights in our daughter's room and leaving the porch light on for days. We silently supported the other because it matters to us.
 So it was the other night that I read an article that Thursday, April 12 would be Jersey Day. People were encouraged to wear a jersey of any kind to show love and support for those that were left behind and those that have passed on. As soon as I read about it I knew I wanted to take part in it. Being on maternity leave has left me with the time to go on Facebook and Instagram often and I started to see family and friends posting their pictures of them wearing jerseys. I was touched. I love the unity of it all.  It warms my heart to see what an impact these young men have had on so many lives. It's inspiring and devastating, encouraging yet heartbreaking all at once. That's why it is so special.
 While I was getting ready I had this whole daydream that I was being interviewed by the news while walking downtown with the kids in our jerseys. I wanted to explain why it was so important to us to participate... (This is my little speech I had for my fake interview..)

My daughter asked me this morning why we had to wear our jerseys today. I explained to her that a lot of people, a lot of young men were hurt in this accident. People always want to help in tragedies but they don't know how to. Today is about unity and showing support. By wearing the jersey we are telling the people and families involved that we are here for them. That they are not alone. And not just the families and friends of those hurt or killed. The Nipawin Fire Department that helped rescue and remove people from the bus is comprised of everyday people. Our fire department is made up of people in a rainbow of professions. We have a hair dresser, a stay at home mom, a bus driver, an electrician, a paramedic, a young man fresh out of high school,etc. Those were the kinds of people that heard a page and went to a call that changed their lives forever. So I want to say that we appreciate and honour those individuals that put their own lives on hold to help, assist and rescue those in need. If anything, I hope people find comfort in the thousands of pictures of porch lights left on, with hockey sticks left out front or of smiling faces wearing jerseys being posted. I know I have.

Thank you to those of you that participated in Jersey Day and for giving me permission to post your pictures to my blog.

Vancouver Island, B.C.
Sturgeon County West Wing
Edson, Alberta
Killam, Alberta
Miramichi, New Brunswick
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Vancouver Island, B.C.
Edson, Alberta
Bon Accord, Alberta
Vancouver Island, B.C.
My boys- Vancouver Island

At swimming- Vancouver Island
#JerseysForHumboldt #HumboldtStrong #HumboldtBronchos #NipawinFireDepartment #YouAreNotAlone

#HumboldtBroncos #NipawinFireDepartment
